Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Requests for tender
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Requests for tender

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia funds a number of projects each year to support the regulation of nurses and midwives in Australia.

Where there are tenders open for submissions, we will publish them on this website.

Open tenders

Tender name Summary PDF Accessible format Date of release Closing date
There are no open tenders  

Closed tenders

Tender name  Summary Date closed Status 
RFP - Development of program to orientate internationally qualified nurses and midwives to the Australian healthcare context

Seeking responses to this invitation to deliver a program to orientate internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNMs) to the Australian healthcare context (the orientation program).

The orientation program will form an integral component of the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's (the NMBA) new assessment model for internationally IQNMs wanting to register in Australia.

21 November 2018 4pm AEDT Contract awarded to Guroo Producer
RFT - Development of an Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) for internationally qualified nurses Seeking qualified and experienced parties to develop the examination content for the OSCEs for internationally qualified nurses. 24 August 2017 2pm AEDT Contract awarded to Monash University
RFT - National health support service for nurses and midwives Seeking qualified and experienced parties to establish, deliver and manage a National health support service for nurses and midwives. 17 February 2016
2pm AEDT
Contract awarded to Turning Point
RFT - Development of the Midwife standards for practice Seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties to develop the Midwife standards for practice incorporating a review of the existing National competency standards for the midwife (2006). Friday 12 February 2016  Contract awarded to Deakin University
RFT – Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) Stakeholder engagement initiative Seeking qualified and experienced parties to review the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s approach to communicating with stakeholders. 21 November 2014 Contract awarded to PricewaterhouseCoopers.
RFT – Outcomes based assessment of IQNM competence to practice  Seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties to explore requirements for exploring internationally qualified nurses and midwives.  11 August 2014 Contract awarded to Health Management Planning Solutions. 
RFT – Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) branding and identity  Seeking qualified and experienced parties to review the National Board’s brand identity.  14 July 2014  Contract awarded to PricewaterhouseCoopers. 
Page reviewed 21/02/2025