Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - We have improved our website
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We have improved our website

11 Aug 2015

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) website has undergone a number of changes to improve navigation and make it easier for visitors to find information and documents.

Key documents have been grouped by topic as well as by type. Headings on the drop down menus now more accurately reflect the documents that can be found in that area.

Here is a brief summary of the changes:

There is also a new Re-entry to practice page, which contains all of the documents relevant to that topic.

Earlier this year the NMBA also conducted a review of its suite of documents to ensure consistency across national policies, guidelines, factsheets and position statements.

Overall, these changes are part of the NMBA’s initiatives to improve stakeholder engagement. They aim to provide a better experience for all users including nurses, midwives, students, employers, health departments, and the general public.

Page reviewed 11/08/2015