Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Seeking qualified and experienced parties to review models of supervision for privately practicing midwives
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Seeking qualified and experienced parties to review models of supervision for privately practicing midwives

09 Oct 2013

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board or NMBA) is seeking suitably qualified and experienced parties to undertake a review of Privately practicing midwives models of supervision.

The objective of the National Scheme is to protect the public by making sure that only midwives who are suitably trained and qualified to practice in a competent and ethical manner are registered.

Supervision is a critical mechanism in the training, support and ongoing safe practice of midwifery. It incorporates elements of direction and guidance through a process of professional support and learning which enables a practitioner to develop knowledge and competence, assume responsibility for their own practice and enhance public protection and safety.

The principals of supervision are considered applicable to the entire midwifery profession regardless of level of experience, place of employment, clinical or practice setting.

Currently there are different models of supervision practiced throughout the world, incorporating a variety of elements including mentorship, preceptorship, education and reflective practice.

The recent move to a national system of regulation and accreditation of health related courses are a catalyst for this review. The National Board will consider resulting recommendations of potential supervision models for privately practicing midwives for implementation in Australia.

For further information regarding the tender documents please contact Dr Jocelyn Small, Program Manager, Nursing and Midwifery, National Board Services at

Page reviewed 9/10/2013