21 Nov 2012
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (National Board) invites enrolled nurses, registered nurses and midwives to participate in a survey on national competency standards for enrolled nurses.
The National Board has funded Monash University to undertake a project to review the current NMBA Enrolled Nurse (EN) Competency Standards.
The primary purpose of the project is to revise the current National Board competencies for enrolled nurses for relevance and currency against the contemporary role and scope of practice.
The review project will comprise an online survey and a focus group (for ENs), with interviews across various categories of ENs.
Please complete this survey regarding your perceptions and experiences of the role of the Enrolled Nurse.
Please complete this EN survey and attend a focus group to reflect on your scope of practice and current workplace culture.
Surveys will close at 5pm, Friday 30 November.
Each survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and the focus group sessions (for ENs only) run for one hour.
To participate in a focus group in your area, please register your interest with Elaine Downs by email (
Direct any queries to Elaine Downs by email ( or phone (03) 9905 0011.