Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia - Fact sheet: Internationally qualified registered nurses applying for registration with a sole qualification in mental health nursing, paediatric nursing and disability nursing
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Fact sheet: Internationally qualified registered nurses applying for registration with a sole qualification in mental health nursing, paediatric nursing and disability nursing

Updated May 2023 

Download a PDF copy of this Fact sheet: Internationally qualified registered nurses applying for registration with a sole qualification in mental health nursing, paediatric nursing and disability nursing (242 KB, PDF)

The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) undertakes functions as set by the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, as in force in each state and territory (the National Law). The NMBA regulates the practice of nursing and midwifery in Australia, and one of its key roles is to protect the public. The NMBA does this by developing registration standards, professional codes, guidelines and standards for practice which together establish the requirements for the professional and safe practice of nurses and midwives in Australia. 

Information about the assessment model for internationally qualified nurses and midwives (IQNMs) is published on the NMBA website.

This following information is applicable for internationally qualified registered nurses (IQRNs) seeking registration with qualifications solely in mental health nursing, disability nursing or paediatric nursing.

Notations for nurses with sole qualifications


Registration of nurses with qualifications solely in mental health, disability or paediatric nursing


More information

Page reviewed 25/05/2023